Do-It-Yourself Hair Removal Products

Be fuzz-free with 4 do-it-yourself hair removal products from GiGi, Bliss, Veet, and Whish. While some women buck tradition and brazenly leave their homes with furry armpits, the rest of us are on the hunt for products that’ll help us lead happy, fuzz-free lives.
Danger danger, the hair down below is whole lot thicker than the hair on our heads, so handle with care. The GiGi line of waxing products is an industry-trusted brand with product options that suit all of your waxing needs. We like the GiGi All Purpose Honee Hair Removal System ($16.99, because it’s a simple-to-use microwave formula that can be used on your most sensitive areas and face. The system includes: 8 oz. All Purpose Honee/Microwave Formula, 2oz Slow Grow, 2oz Bensokal Lotion, 2oz Wax Off Lotion, 2oz Pre Hon Lotion, Accu Edge Applicators Spatulas (large), Accu Edge Applicators Spatulas (small), Natural Muslin Strips (large) and Natural Muslin Strips (small).
Chuck the razor you’ve been using to remove your sideburns and hairy upper lip in favor of Bliss “Fuzz Off” Facial Hair Removal Cream ($24, – a 3-minute skin-soothing hair removal cream made with Vitamin E or Veet 2-Step Facial Cream Kit ($6.47, which delays hair re-growth and leaves skin feeling softer, longer.
Love love love Whish Hair Inhibiting Swipe (from $8, because it contains a a gel that slows down hair growth over time so you shave less often. Best to use when your pores are open like after exercise, a shower or after a spa treatment.