Hair Styling Tutorial: Styling A Faux Hawk For Women

A few times a month I hear the phrase, “I like your hair. How’d you get it to do that?” The short answer is a styling glaze, but the real answer is that I use all of the products in this entry.
Way before I started this blog, I searched far and wide for a hairstyle that best represents the key components of my personality – fun with a dash of edge. I even toyed with many a hairstyle from wigs, to big curly weaves to wearing it absolutely natural to the style you see before you, which is my version of a faux hawk and I love it!. To some, my hair may look a little wild and unruly, but trust me when I say that there’s a method to my madness. And in my search for the right style came the hard work of finding the right products to maintain my “Uncorporate” ‘do.
Please indulge me as I reveal the contents of my medicine cabinet. Here’s what I use and how I use it:
Step 1: Relax the new growth every 4-6 weeks with Bantu Creme Relaxer, Super ($4.99,
Step 2: I then use Isoplus Neutralizing Shampoo ($1.09, to shampoo the chemicals out of my hair. I repeat this step a second time to make sure the relaxer is completely washed out.
Step 3: I shampoo my hair with Creme of Nature Ultra Moisturizing Shampoo ($6.49, It’s really is all in the name. This product really does make my sometimes brittle hair soft & really manageable.
Step 4: Towel dry and apply my conditioner of the moment – Motions Deep Penetrating Hair Treatment($5.99, (NOT PICTURED HERE). This stuff makes my hair feel really soft. I put on a plastic cap and sit under a dryer for a deep conditioning treatment. I then rinse my hair and apply ($6.99, which I think is one of the best hair strengtheners on the market.
I continue the styling process by using a wide tooth comb to deliver the treatment in Step 4 from root to strand and then follow with a rattail comb and boar bristle brush to wrap my hair.
Step 5: To get my hair really straight before I sit under the dryer, I use Elasta QP Design Foam ($4.49, to wrap my hair. It’s a non-sticky formula that makes my hair shiny.
Step 6: Before I head to the dryer, I apply Proclaim Protein Styling Gel ($2.99, around the edges of my hair so it lays down undisturbed. This stuff does the trick and the fact that it doesn’t flake is another reason why this styling gel is a definite do!
Step 7: Once my hair is dry, I use Chi’s Turbo Digital Ceramic Hairstyling Flat Iron 1 1/2 inch ($119, to create the magic that is the “hawk.” I think it’s fabulous that the ceramic plates conduct heat up to 400 degrees. As I smooth each section of hair, it always amazes me at how shiny my hair looks afterwards. It also protects the integrity of my gentle strands while keeping my strands straight no matter the weather.
Step 8: And last but not least, to get and keep my hawk in position, I take a quarter-size of Elasta QP Glaze($3.59,, rub product into both hands and apply it to my hair in an upward motion. I repeat this step a few times until I get the look I’m after. Since I have coarse hair, it doesn’t take much to get it to stand up.
And there you have it. Tadah!
Hue Knew It? I did.