On-The-Go Dental Flossing For Every Occasion

Dental Flossing
Thanks to backpack kid, Russel Horning, dental flossing is now confused with the breakout dance move. For the sake of oral health and to make sure your cheesing game is on point, flossing, according to Wikipedia, is when a cord of thin filaments are used to remove food and dental plaque from between teeth in areas a toothbrush is unable to reach. Introducing Plackers Orthopick® the tool that makes this all but necessary ritual easier than ever.
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The Buzz
Plackers are portable, one-handed dental flossers designed for use after snacks or meals. These flossers are engineered with Super Tuffloss, so they never shred or break. They also include a foldout toothpick that removes trapped food debris. These flossers are great for anyone with braces, and if you have who have tight teeth, use PlackersGentleslide®
Price: $36/4 bags
Available: plackers.com
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